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Are You All Ready for Spring? Be Spring Ready

Spring is officially here, and as you’re mentally and physically cleaning things out, we’ve got a few tips on how to refresh your tooth care regimen and get you to spring ready.

  • Replace your toothbrush.  As a general guide, it’s a good idea to replace your toothbrush about every three months.  If you haven’t done so recently, take this as an opportunity.
  • Replenish your supplies.  Low on floss?  Mouthwash?  Toothpaste?  Make a list of the dental gear that you’re running low on and restock before you run out.
  • Schedule a dental appointment.  When was the last time you were at the dentist?  Odds are, the holidays (candy! Food!) took a bit of a toll on your teeth, and a quick visit to the dentist could prevent the need for more intensive treatment later on.
  • Assess your habits.  If you made any dental- related New Years Resolutions, now’s as good a time as any to check your progress and re-affirm your goals if you have to- it’s never too late!