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Importance of Brushing Your Tongue

Importance of Brushing Your Tongue

Did you know that your tongue is not actually a smooth surface? That is why you need to make sure you are always brushing your tongue! There are so many crevices and ridges throughout your tongue and in between taste buds that bacteria LOVES to hide out there.

Most of rinse our mouths, after brushing our teeth and flossing and we have always just assumed that meant we were getting rid of the bacteria hiding out on the surface of our tongue. But unfortunately, this is incorrect! The mouthwash only gets rid of the top layer of bacteria, so we need to make sure that we brush side to side and back and forth, then rinse. This will loosen everything up and allow us to rid of the bacteria when we spit the rinse.

Just remember that you want to avoid over brushing your teeth so that you do not break the skin.

Bacteria in your mouth causes bad breath and tooth decay. So doing your best at Cleaning, flossing and brushing your tongue combined with regular cleanings at your dentist you can be saving yourself the headaches of advanced dental work in the future.